When I got my Shark Clip-on Tuner from an online store who's name escapes me the tuner wouldn't work right. I contacted the website and they sent me another one no problem, they didn't even want the broken one back as proof. [Great deal considering it was $10 online and $30 in store]
Well today I was reheating my coffee for the second time [I have weird coffee habits] and there it was: the box with the broken tuner! I grab the battery gently place it in the good tuner and rip my bass from it like the bass deprived madwoman I am.
After almost a month without a tuner I'm shocked to find my E, D, and G string within the right note! But the the troublesome A string is a B... With a slight turn of the knob the B jumps to a G flat and I have a mini heart attack because that's exactly what happened when I had it plugged into the Fender tuner with the broken cord. I take a deep breath and try again, the elusive A appears! Now to see if it'll stay in tune, but only time will tell...
Cord still hasn't shipped, one more week and I buck up and spend 50 more cents.
Look what else you find when you plug in "shark bass tuner" into google images:
Well today I was reheating my coffee for the second time [I have weird coffee habits] and there it was: the box with the broken tuner! I grab the battery gently place it in the good tuner and rip my bass from it like the bass deprived madwoman I am.
IT WORKS IT WORKS IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After almost a month without a tuner I'm shocked to find my E, D, and G string within the right note! But the the troublesome A string is a B... With a slight turn of the knob the B jumps to a G flat and I have a mini heart attack because that's exactly what happened when I had it plugged into the Fender tuner with the broken cord. I take a deep breath and try again, the elusive A appears! Now to see if it'll stay in tune, but only time will tell...
Cord still hasn't shipped, one more week and I buck up and spend 50 more cents.
Good thing to have if you can find it cheap. |
Look what else you find when you plug in "shark bass tuner" into google images:
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