Monday, November 12, 2012

Best One Time Musical Experiences.

I've been to my fair share of concerts and one of the best things about concerts is those once in a lifetime moments that leave you in awe. These are moments I've seen in my fifteen years of concert going that I will never forget.

#1 PRS Experience 2011, Bass Orchestra. I've written about this before and I'm not sorry I'm writing about it again.  I should of been miserable, it was cold and it had been pouring rain all day, you couldn't run to the hooters [port-a-johns, don't ask.] without getting soaking wet. The only warm spot of the day was the free hot coffee that I had yet to learn how to drink.
So there I was clutching my ice coffee because if I put it down my drink would of floated away and this starts up:

This is the best day of my life because it just proves the power of music. [and how blindly in love I am with the bass clef.] Also it is as close as you're going to get in the history of the world to people not talking during a bass solo. [but maybe all you need is more then one bass for people not to talk during the bass...solo..duo..gah].

#2* *[Not sure if this counts because I totally plan on witnessing this again.] Neil Pert's solos on 9/9/12 [Dear merciful God do not make me pick one.]

This guy has his own foot petal camera, and it is actually entertaining to watch. Need I--I'm just posting videos.

          #3 Relinet K preforming Deathbed at Creation Fest East 2009.
Relient K is a supper pop-y band. I have the CD that Deathbed is on, every time I'd play it my mother would stop what she was doing and ask me who I was listening to, it sounds that different. It is an eleven minute epic almost chorus less [think House of the Raising Sun] song. What made it so much more awesome was that they finally got an encore after at lease eleven years of playing this festival where encores are only given to the headlining acts. So they pulled out this baby, best meteorically middle finger ever given. This is the only live version of this song on youtube, not the one I went to but note it's in two part because youtube can't handle it!


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